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Store Systems Stand Alone

This class from the Store and Operations Management course is all about helping you get daily/weekly/monthly tasks organized so they can run smoothly and you can free up time for bigger projects. You'll learn how to:

  • Identify maintenance tasks and set up a system to track them
  • Create a master calendar
  • Create clear step-by-step instructions to capture your processes for customer book orders, web orders, and shipping
  • Create templates emails for handling website orders
  • Add all of this information to a store handbook to help employees stay on task and on time

You'll have a 30 day window for viewing this class.

PBS courses are supported by the Indie bookstore industry, and are intended only for owners and staff members at Independent Bookstores that are members of their regional trade associations and of the American Booksellers Association.

PBS courses are supported by the Indie bookstore industry, and are intended only for owners and staff members at Independent Bookstores that are members of their regional trade associations and of the American Booksellers Association.

Member Price: $65